B3 Training: Procurement of Goods & Consultancy Services Starts from October 21
Enhancing performance and improving governance in spending public resources are prerequisite to further expediting poverty reduction, and improving the investment climate for accelerating the growth within a country. Public Procurement is crucial area for improvement to demonstrate effectiveness in service delivery. With the aim of developing competencies in public procurement, B3 Course on the Procurement of Goods & Consultancy Services for Key Sector Agencies (KSA) officials started on October 21, 2021 in Khapted Hall, Diskshya Sadan at Nepal Administrative Staff College. The training is based on the “Training Needs” initiated by the PPMO and implemented by the International Training Center (ITC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Nepal Administrative Staff College. The opening ceremony of the training program was attended by nominated officers from KSA with all necessary precautions and safety guidelines issues by Government of Nepal.
In the opening ceremony, Deputy Executive Director/ Department Head of Public Service Training Department of NASC Mr.Bishnu Prasad Lamsal was present as chief guest of the program, along with Dr. Raghu Bista, Director of Studies/Head of Center for Project Management and Center for Procurement Management, NASC, Mr. Sita Ram Kandel was representing ITC/ILO, and Mr. Gobinda Bhandari, Deputy Director of Studies, were present in the opening ceremony along with other NASC officials. The coordinators of the program Mr. Shailendra Prasad Bhatt and Mr. Ashutosh Neupane welcomed the participants and started the formal program.
Dr. Bista welcomed all participants on behalf of CDP team organizations and highlighted the B3 course outline, sessions, durations and process adopted by the training programme. He also requested participants to make the training classes lively with more and more interactions, need based, problem-oriented discussion and sharing their own work experiences. The chair of program Deputy Executive Director Mr. Lamsal welcomed all the participants in premises of NASC for B3 training with joint collaboration of NASC, ITC/ILO, PPMO and the World Bank. He highlighted the role of NASC since its establishment in 2039 in providing necessary training for the employees of the Government of Nepal and Public Enterprises and enhancing the capability of administration of Nepal. He added, B3 course in particular is much demanding training as officer’s fears to get involved in procurement related jobs due to lack of adequate knowledge and skill required to perform; and this training will help to develop the positive attitude towards the procurement related works with develop confidence to perform. Lastly, Mr. Lamsal wished for successful completion of training to all participants and also requested to provide valuable feedback about the methodology, contents and other environments for future improvements and modification.
The course is structured on 8 working-days agenda, where 3 sessions per day will be presented, till October 29, 2021.