About Journal

Published date: 
Tuesday, September 27, 2016



Punya Prasad Neupane, Executive Director, NASC

Managing Editor

Trilochan Pokharel

ISSN 2392-4896 (online)
ISSN 2392-4888 (print)

The Journal invites articles and book reviews from academicians, researchers and management practitioners, either from Nepal or abroad. Intending contributors are requested to refer to the objectives and policies of the journal and the manuscript requirements which appear elsewhere in the publication.

Language Editor
Rameshwor Bhandari


All those intending to subscribe to the Journal should write to the Managing Editor, enclosing a cheque/draft in favour of the Nepal Administrative Staff College. The rates of subscription which may be subject to change are currently as follows:
Nepal : Per Copy Rs.300/-
Abroad : Per Copy US$10.00

All correspondences relating to the Journal should be addressed to:

Managing Editor
Trilochan Pokharel 
Nepal Administrative Staff College
P.O. Box: 2152
Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
Tel.: (977)-1-5522160, 5522002, 5523517 Fax: (977)-1-5524906
E-mail: journal@nasc.org.np
Website: ww.nasc.org.np

Objectives and Policies of the Journal
The twin objectives of the Journal are: (i) to publish thought-provoking, research-based, analytical and original articles on the issues of management, administration, governance and development and (ii) to provide a forum for communication between/among the academicians, planners and practitioners, both Nepali and foreign, engaged in the fields of development administration and management;

  • The Journal shall encourage particularly those articles which have conceptual, empirical and theoretical bases with practical application value in the Nepali context and which help to generate positive and creative thinking.
  • The Editorial Board of the Journal shall have the right to accept or reject any article, book review and article review for publication. It shall also have right to edit any part of manuscripts for the purpose of publication.
  • All the approved manuscripts may not be incorporated in one issue of the Journal. Some of them may be allotted for the subsequent issues. The manuscripts which are not accepted for publication in the Journal for any reason shall not be returned to the respective contributors. However, authors will be duly informed about the status of this paper.
  • Each article has to pass double blind peer review process. The reviewers comment will be mandatory to address. However, the final decision on acceptance of article rests on editorial board.
  • The views expressed in the articles and book reviews shall be those of the authors and shall not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or the publisher.
  • Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) retains copy right of the published materials. 

General instruction for the authors and contributors

  • Article should focus on the issue of administration, management, governance and development in Nepal or elsewhere.
  • Article should be in error free standard British English language.
  • The size of the manuscript should not be less than 2000 words.
  • Use Times New Roman 12 point font, single line spacing and 1 inch all side margin.
  • Tables, figures and formulae should be in Microsoft Office Object (as possible) form so that the desktop manager can rearrange when needed.
  • Manuscript should be submitted via journal@nasc.org.np. The manuscript should contain an abstract of approximately 150 words outlining the main ideas of the article.
  • All technical terms should be defined in the text of the article. But those requiring detailed explanation should be defined with the use of endnotes.
  • Article should be research based including scientific review of literature, proper citation and referencing in APA format. The editorial board will perform online citation examination. Failing to maintain minimum standard will disqualify the article.
  • References in the text should be managed in APA 6th edition style. Follow http://www.apastyle.org/ for detail process on APA style. We encourage using referencing software like MS Office Referencing or Endnote.
  • If you are submitting review of books, the length of review should not be less than 500 words.
  • The authors and contributors are requested to enclose with the manuscripts their bio-data mentioning their full name, academic background, current position and organisation (if any), contact address, current research interests and recent publications.
  • Each article shall pass through double blind peer review process. The comments of peer reviewers are mandatory to address.
  • Articles will be first published in NASC's journal portal and later published in a printed volume once in a year.
  • The articles are collected throughout the year and published in NASC's journal portal (e-journal) immediately after completing all quality assurance measures.
  • Each author will be provided opportunity to disseminate the article findings in relevant forum organized by NASC.
  • Should not be published anywhere. 
  • Please be informed that receiving article does not ensure publication.

We have anti-plagiarism policy. Failing to maintain the professional ethics will be taken seriously.

Journal stage: