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College & The Asia Foundation.
- Sigdel, B.R., & Poudel, A. (2021). The National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission:
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- Tsumagari, M., & Poudel, A. (2020, November 30). A case study informed emergent shape
of Nepal’s federalism in-the-making [Paper presentation]. 12th National and International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, Phuket, Thailand.
- Neupane, P., Pokharel, T., Dhungana, H., Poudyal, T., Ghimire, I.P., Gupta, A. & Poudel A. (2018). Political Economy Analysis of Emerging Education Governance at Local Level in Nepal. Lalitpur: Nepal Administrative Staff College and The Asia Foundation.
- Poudel,A. & Phuyal, R.K.(2016, June).An analysis of foreign tourists’ behavior and their satisfaction in Nepal. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, Vol.14 (3), pp.1955-1974.