A training entitled “Training of Trainers (ToT) for the Officers of Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development kicks off from” has kicked off from 16 Jestha, 2079 in Bagmati Hall, Mangal Sadan. The training was organized by Centre for Human Resource Management (CHRM), under Management Learning Group. This training was designed for 6 working days from 16 to 23 Jestha, 2079 (30 May, 2022 – 06 June, 2022). It was designed as per the request of Rural Enterprise and Economic Development Project (REED) - Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD). The participants were of officer level working in agriculture and livestock development. There were 14 participants with 2 Female and 12 Male. The participants were from different parts of the country from as east as Paachthar of Province 1 and as West as Darchula of Sudurpaschim province.
This training intended to enhance the capacities of the officers of MoALD who are involved in training activities and contributing as a resource person in various forums or who have the potential in training design, delivery and management. Conceptualization of systematic approaches to training and adult learning principles, use of appropriate training methods and demonstration of key skills required for effective facilitation and presentation remain the key highlights of this training.
The opening event was remarked by the presence of Mr. Devi Dutta Bhatta and Mr. Uttam Acharya, Centre Chief – CHRM. Mr. Nabin Chapagain hosted the event. Mr. Chapagain commenced by welcoming all the valued participants and briefed about the training. He also stated the key objectives of organizing the training. He then invited Mr. Acharya to give opening remarks and formally begin the training. Mr Acharya again welcomed all the participants and informed about the key intent and contents of the training, the norms of the training as well as duration and other information about the training. With the belief that this training will bring positive changes in the competency of the participants, he ended his remarks which was shortly followed by the session of adult learning principles.