Opening Ceremony of 3 days Training of Trainers (ToT)

Centre for Human Resource Management (CHRM) within the Management Learning Group (MLG) of the Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) has commenced a 3-day training of trainers (ToT) program tailored for officials from various public and private institutions. This program has been meticulously designed for officers who serve as trainers or are responsible for conducting and facilitating sessions within their workplace. A cohort of twenty-eight officers representing 11 distinct institutions are divided into two different groups for this program. The opening ceremony was held on 25th September 2023 at Prithvi Hall, Mangal Sadan. Mr. Binod Kumar Bista, Senior Director of Studies at NASC, chaired the opening event. 
Mr. Nabin Chapagain, Director of Studies at NASC, welcomed the participants and highlighted the training’s context, need, design and learning approaches. He stated that NASC aims to enhance the facilitation skills of in-house trainers in different institutions with this training which emphasizes on the same. Mr. Chapagain expressed the profound relevance of the chosen training sessions for the participants, underlining their significance in enhancing their professional capabilities.
Mr. Bista, in his opening remarks, shared his aspirations for the program. He expressed the program's mission to instill confidence in the trainees, equipping them to become exceptional trainers in their respective fields. Mr. Bista emphasized the pivotal role of the participants' learning attitude, recognizing that their dedication and commitment would be a catalyst for success. NASC anticipates that the knowledge and skills acquired by the participants during this training will be effectively transposed into their workplace, benefiting their respective offices. He also expressed heartfelt gratitude towards the organizations for their unwavering collaboration, which has been instrumental in making this initiative a reality. Ms. Antovna Gyawali hosted the program.