Fifth Episode of "Sharpening the Saw (STS) 2080/81" Successfully Conducted

The Center for Human Resource Management (CHRM) under the Management Learning Group (MLG) hosted the fifth episode of its staff development series, "Sharpening the Saw (STS) 2080/81," on July 8, 2024. This series is dedicated to fostering a growth mindset, enriching the skills and understanding of staff, enhancing facilitation abilities, and promoting continuous learning and self-improvement.

Dr. Milan Gyanwali was the featured speaker for this episode, delivering a compelling presentation titled “In Search of Fairness.” Dr. Gyanwali delved into the nuances of fairness in our daily lives, exploring the aspects of unfairness and what contributes to these perceptions. His insights provided valuable perspectives on the sensibility of fairness.

The program was chaired by Dr. Rajan Khanal, the Executive Director of NASC. In his concluding remarks, Dr. Khanal expressed profound appreciation for Dr. Gyanwali’s contributions, emphasizing the significant impact this session has had on the continued capacity development of NASC staff. The program was hosted by Ms Shailaja Upadhyaya.