The closing event of Training of Trainers (ToT) for the Officials of Provincial Ministries and Training Centres was held in Provincial Research and Training Centre (PRTC), Janakupurdham, Madhesh Province on 27 Magh, 2079 (10 February, 2023). The program was chaired by the executive director of PRTC - Mr. Satar Ansari. In the program, the dignitaries present were the chief guest of program, Dr. Rajan Khanal, executive director - Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC), Mr. Krishna Bahadur Raut, Chief Secretary – Madhesh Province, Mr. Nurhari Khatiwada, Secretary – Madhesh Province, Mr. Uttam Acharya, Centre Chief – Centre for Human Resource Management, NASC, and Mr. Nabin Chapagain, and Mr. Anup Bhurtel. The program was hosted by Arjun Subedi from Provincial Local Government Support Program (PLGSP). After briefing about the program, he took the program ahead in which he requested participants to share their experiences of the training.
To share the experience of this 5-day training, Mr Subedi invited Ms. Girija Dahal representing female participants. Ms. Dahal shared happiness to be a part of this training. She appreciated the role of NASC Uttam sir, Nabin sir, Anup sir who helped them a lot throughout the session. She shared that the facilitators made realize about their strengths and weaknesses and guided on important aspects, even on slides’ quality, trainers’ personality and such. She also acknowledged that the facilitators valued the presence of female participants though there were only 2 female participants. She further requested the centre to nominate more female participants and concluded her speech. Similarly, Mr. Bipin Thakur represented male participants and shared his experiences of the training. He reflected back that this training enhanced their knowledge on training process, method, phases of training and role of training pre-during-after the training. He showed commitment to be a qualified trainer and ended his speech.
Mr. Subedi then invited Mr. Nurhari Khatiwada, Secretary of Madhesh Province to share his remarks. Mr. Khatiwada thanked NASC for their support and collaboration. He stressed on the need of NASC to capacitate the human resources of Madhesh Province. He also stated that that Madhesh Province would need such trainings and support from NASC in the future as well. He shared that now participants are expected to be competent and work with competency. With a special thanks to Dr. Rajan Khanal for coming all the way from Kathmandu and taking the role of chief guest, he ended his speech.
To share valuable remarks, Mr. Subedi invited Mr. Krishna Bahadur Raut, chief secretary – Madhesh Province. Mr. Raut showed agreement that irrespective of age, we need to update our knowledge. He explained the role of PRTC's role in capacitating officials as well as public representatives which, according to him, was heavy. He reflected back on the infrastructure on which PRTC is standing now and informed that PRTC has now a differentiated role. He sahred that now PRTC has to capacitate Pradesh Sabha members, mayors/chairpersons and deputy mayors/vice-chairpersons of 136 municipalities, provide pre-service trainings and in-service trainings of civil servants of Madhesh province and also carry our research works. Citing the centre’s bigger responsibilities as opposed to its existing old physical infrastructure and its existence as a new institution, Mr. Raut requested NASC for their cooperation and collaboration with PRTC on expanding research activities and training activities and also highlighted that PRTC should work in the modality of NASC and ended his speech.
Mr. Subedi then requested chief guest of the program, executive director of NASC Dr. Rajan Khanal to provide certificates to the participants and provide his closing remarks. Dr. Khanal congratulated all the participants for being graduated. He stated that ToT is more about art of convincing your contents and being certified with ToT indicates the participants should be able to teach and convince others. He also added that this training intended to enhance three major aspects: knowledge, skills and behavior citing some observations of the trainers’ efforts from the training itself. Dr. Khanal assured to work in cooperation and collaboration and support Madhesh Province and PRTC for research, training especially ToT, consultancy services and provide even other informal support. Dr. Khanal indicated that ToT was conducted in Madhesh province to build qualified trainers in this province who can then train other potential individuals creating a multiplier effect. He requested all the participants to be happy on small things and especially on the occasion of being certified and ended his speech. He then requested the executive director of PRTC to honor the facilitators of NASC upon which he honored Mr. Uttam Acharya, Mr. Nabin Chapagain and Mr. Anup Bhurtel with khada. He then honored Dr. Rajan Khanal representing NASC with a token of love.
Thanking all the management team, logistic support team for coordination and support, Mr. Subedi requested the executive director of PRTC Mr. Satar Ansari to provide his closing remarks. Mr. Ansari thanked all the dignitaries for their valuable presence. Mr. Ansari highlighted the journey of PRTC and his role as its ED. He stressed on the role of PRTC in this changing era of federalism. He added the move of PRTC to develop strategic plan upon which he thanked Uttam Acharya for his guidance and support as well as facilitating with NASC’s higher authorities in this regard. He shared that PRTC is looking up to NASC for further guidance and support to speed up its functions in the field of training and research. He shared the instances of his visits to NASC a year back and recalled the word of assurance for support from Dr. Rajan Khanal and shared utmost happiness for Dr. Khanal stood up to his words and is showing positivity towards supporting PRTC. He shared that he has taken this closing event as a historic moment for PRTC. With the optimism to take PRTC to a new height through collaboration and support of NASC, Mr. Ansari ended his speech and announced the formal closing of this event. The closing was followed by group photo.