The closing ceremony of Professional Course on Management and Development in- service training for class III officers of Government Organizations was held on 16th Magh 2079 at Prithivi Hall amidst the gracious presence of senior officials of NASC. The event was chaired by Executive Director of NASC Dr. Rajan Khanal. Senior Director of Studies Mr. Tulasi Sharan Sigdel and Director of Studies Mr. Binod Kumar Bista were present in the closing ceremony along with other NASC Officials. Twenty-Eight officials completed the training program successfully. The closing ceremony was hosted by Ms. Anita Poudel.
On behalf of all the training participants, Mr. Ram Chandra Dhakal expressed his heartfelt thanks and appreciation to NASC for organizing the training program and shared the reflection of learnings from the overall training program. He appreciated the training contents and the overall management of the program. He expressed that all the field visits mainly “Engaging with local Government” helped on enhancing the knowledge, gaps related to local level governance.
Department Head of Public Service Training Department (PSTD) Mr. Tulasi Sharan Sigdel congratulated all the participants for successfully completing the training program and actively participating in the training. He reinforced that the collaboration and coordination within various organizations within the system of Government is crucial for achieving development results.
The results were announced and Ms. Kalpana Jha stood as a topper showcasing her meritorious efforts. Then, training completion certificates were awarded to the graduating training participants.
After the certificate distribution, Dr. Rajan Khanal, the chair of the closing ceremony, congratulated all the participants for the successful completion of the training.
Dr. Khanal congratulated participants for successfully completing the training program. He emphasized that individual knowledge is not much of use unless it gets translated to the skills at workplace. He further reinforced participants to properly utilize the knowledge and skills learnt from the training to enhance the service delivery. Dr. Khanal quoted, “ If student is ready, teacher will emerge” where he highlighted the fact that learning depends on us and knowledge is everywhere if we are determined to learn with an open mindset.
The training management team of the training program Ms. Anita Poudel and Mr. Shashi Shekhar Acharya congratulated all the participants for successfully completing the training program.