Closing Ceremony of B3 Training (Batch 3)

Closing Ceremony of B3 Training (Batch 3)

The certification and closing ceremony of B3 Training (Procurement of Goods & Consulting Services) that started from 4th of Kartik was held on 12th Kartik 2078. The event was chaired by Executive Director of NASC Dr. Rajan Khanal. Director of Studies and Team Leader for Capacity Development and Professionalization (CDP) Program from NASC Dr. Raghu Bista, a representative from ITC/ILO Mr. Sita Ram Kandel, were present in the closing ceremony along with other NASC Officials. 30 Officers from KSA completed the training program. The program was organized at Khaptad Hall at NASC and hosted by Mr. Shailendra Prasad Bhatt; a Training and Research officer from NASC.

Mr. Abhinash Aryal, representative of participants with his vote of thanks speech thanked NASC, PPMO, World Bank, and ITC/ILO for organizing training on behalf of the group. He shared his reflection of learnings from 8 days of training. Mr. Aryal thanked all the resource persons involved in the training for the transfer of their knowledge and for sharing valuable experiences. Similarly, Ms. Tika Devi Adhikari added some suggestions for the improvement of training, and requested NASC to organize similar training in future for officials of all levels.

The chair of the program, Dr. Khanal congratulated the participants on successful completion of the training program and indicated the role of NASC and partner organizations PPMO, World Bank, and ITC/ILO in enhancing the knowledge and skill of the participants as well as the role of participants in developing an attitude to improve public service delivery and various aspects of procurement management. He explained the idea behind the establishment of PPMO as a regulatory for public procurement management and necessity of training like this for the capacity development of institutions and individuals.

The coordination team for B2 Course Dr. Raghu Bista, Mr.Gobinda Bhandari, Mr.Shailendra Prasad Bhatt, and Mr. Ashutosh Neupane, congratulated the participants for completing the training programs.