The certification and closing ceremony of B2 Course (Procurement of works & Consulting Services) that started from 16th of Bhadra was held on 31st Bhadra 2078. The event was chaired by Executive Director of NASC Dr. Rajan Khanal, Senior Director of NASC Mr.Tulasi Sharan Sigdel, Director of Studies and Program leader from NASC Dr. Raghu Bista, a representative from World Bank Mr. Shanbhu Prasad Uprety, representatives from Public Procurement Monitoring Office (PPMO) Joint Secretary Mr. Bishnu Prasad Koirala and Officer Mr. Madhusudan Pudasaini, a representative from ITC/ILO Mr. Sita Ram Kandel, were present in the closing ceremony along with other NASC Officials. Total fifty Officers from various government and public organizations completed the training program.
Mr. Himal K.C. representative of participants from batch 4 (Prithvi Group) thanked NASC, PPMO, CDP, and IPFMRP for organizing training despite the risk of an ongoing pandemic. He shared his reflection of learnings from 11 days training and he is hopeful that he can implement learning for the better practice of procurement in his works. He also provided valuable feedback regarding the overall B2 course as well as he advised for few additions and revisions on the course as collective feedback from participants which are noted by the Course Design Team. Similarly, Ms. Gigyasha Rai, a Participant from Batch 3 (Khaptad Group) also shared her similar experiences about the training and thanked all the organizing departments for this interactive knowledge sharing platform with experienced resource persons and the training officers form various departments where she found new issues, approach to deal and tackle issues.
Mr. Shambhu Prasad Uprety from World Bank explained the objective of collaboration of ITC/ILO, NASC, PPMO, and World Bank with this training initiation. He believed that this training will not only build the capacity of the participants but also it will help for capacity building of NASC as international level training institution. Mr. Uprety also congratulated all the participants for successful completion of training and he is hopeful participants can reflect training learning in their real-time works related to procurement and consulting of Works.
Mr. Bishnu Prasad Koirala congratulated participants upon successful completion of training and shared the vision of PPMO to ensure good governance in the procurement system of the public entity and its core the function of to develop human resource and the professionalism development plan for public procurement and career development schemes for public officials involved in procurement. He also expressed interest of PPMO for more training programs in cooperation with NASC and other stakeholders in the coming days.
The chair of the program, Dr. Khanal congratulated the participants on successful completion of the training program and indicated the role of NASC and partner organizations PPMO, World Bank, and ITC/ILO in enhancing the knowledge and skill of the participants as well as the role of participants in developing an attitude to improve public service delivery and various aspects of procurement management .He shared his valuable knowledge and experience from past with the participants and motivated them for positive role and change in the sector of procurement as two-third of the nation’s budget is spent through procurement. He explained the idea behind the establishment of PPMO as a regulatory for public procurement management and necessity of training like this for the capacity development of institutions and individuals. Dr. Khanal thanked DAO office for approval of training in physical mode following covid-19 guidelines issued by Nepal Government. He specially thanked the PPMO office for initiation to restart the training again, and ITC/ILO and World Bank for support.
The coordination team for B2 Course Dr. Raghu Bista, Mr.Gobinda Bhandari, Mr.Shailendra Prasad Bhatt, Mr. Ashutosh Neupane, and Ms. Anjali Verma congratulated the participants for successfully completing the training programs.