A 5-day Training of Trainers (TOT) Program for the officials of Provincial Center for Good Governance of Bagmati Province commenced today (25 Asar, 2080). It is paid programs conducted upon the request of PCGG at the premise of Provincial Center for Good Governance (PCGG), Jawalakhel from 25 to 29 Asar, 2080. The formal opening ceremony began at 9:45 am which was chaired by the Gopal Krishna Neupane. The chief guest for the programs was Mr. Binod Kumar Bista, Senior Director of Studies of NASC and Department Head of Management Learning Group of NASC. Mr. Uttam Acharya, Director of Studies of NASC was the dignitary at the opening event.
Mr. Bista, in his opening remarks, welcomed all the participants to the programs. He highlighted on the importance of TOT specially for officials of PCGG as they are expected to conduct various training programs in the near future. He mentioned that TOT is a skill-based training and thus requested participants to be interactive and participative throughout the training. He further briefed about the course outline which has been designed in such a way that it covers whole process of systematic training. He also stressed that this training allows three important component of learning: testing, retesting and confirmation with the linkages of exercise based sessions, practicum allowing both positive and constructive feedback and immediate application back on the job. Lastly, he expressed his gratitude to Provincial Center for Good Governance of Bagmati Province for entrusting NASC with the responsibilities of conducting this customized Training of Trainers and gave his best wishes to all the trainees for the wonderful training.
The opening ceremony was concluded by the opening remarks of Mr. Gopal Krishna Neupane, ED of PCGG. He began by acknowledging Mr. Binod Kumar Bista, Mr. Uttam Acharya and the entire team for accepting their request and organizing the program. He shared that this in-house TOT was specially designed to develop the training and facilitation skills of the employees of PCGG. He therefore requested all the participants to have a positive learning attitude throughout the training, maintain discipline and try to gain most out it. He also hoped that this 5-day training would be fruitful for all the officials of PCGG and expressed his sincere gratitude to NASC for conducting the training.