Centre for Knowledge Management and Information Technology (CKMIT)


The main objectives of CKMIT set out in the terms of reference prepared for it are as follows:

  • Identify specific training and organisational development needs in the areas of knowledge management and information technology, both in public and private sectors
  • Develop, market and deliver innovative, customer-focused and quality training packages for both the public and the private sector customers
  • Offer various consulting service packages (including responding to demands) to support
  • NASC’s customers in improving and developing their knowledge management information system (KMIS)
  • Design and undertake various research/case study projects in the area of knowledge management and information technology with a view to developing training materials and information base and improve research skills of NASC staff
  • Generate additional resources for NASC and enhance its earning capacity
  • Provide an organisational set-up for challenging work, creative thinking and innovative actions for NASC professional staff
  • Innovate and initiate better professional practices and present a role model for other functional units of NASC


Major Functions

The major functions of CKMIT are described in terms of functional and thematic streams. Each is described below:

Functional Streams

CKMIT has four core functional streams in the area of organisational development. They are as follows:

  1. Training and development function (both institutional and in-house programs)
  2. Consulting service function (for NASC’s customers in both public and private sectors)
  3. Research function (both inside and outside NASC)
  4. Systems development function (development and implementation of internal improvement programs).

Thematic Streams

CKMIT has been developing and implementing specialised type of programmes mainly in the areas of knowledge management and information technology. Specifically, this has included the following thematic streams:

  • Learning organisation
  • Managing explicit knowledge
  • Creating, capitalizing and managing potential tacit knowledge
  • Knowledge management information system (KMIS): Intranet, web page etc.
  • Knowledge management tools: Community of practice, After action review, Best practices, etc.
  • Resource centre management.
  • Other thematic streams that are relevant to KMIS